Vita Nova
Appeared in La Presa
It lurks around us
spinneret jets flying to the dying
spun by blades in windy
gusts of universe
Border Police
Appeared in Mobius: The Journal of Social Change
we were the lucky ones
minding our grandson,
whose parents were gone
for less than a week
An Afternoon at the Playground
Appeared in La Frontera magazine
The kids came streaming into the playground
boys in browns and blues and blacks
girls in pink and purple and red striped tights.
Twin sentinels of the night
guard the gambrel topped shed
that crowns the meadow.
Spooky, silent, sage,
they watch us watch
the falling dark…
Pharmaceutical Eyes
Appeared in Pontoon Poetry
Resisting his long-lashed beacons
shining through the windscreen
of the white Chevy Impala
proved as futile as keeping
the wind from the air.
The Pied Piper of tenth-grade girls
guaranteed my giving all…
Musing Madagascar
Appeared in Crossroads Poetry Journal
Rainforest rain florist
grows orchids whose prodigious spurs
are penetrated and inseminated
by the longest moth tongues
in the world…